Table of Contents
This is my git cheat-sheet, which grew with time ..
git clone<GHUSER>/<PROJECT>.git git clone https://[<USER>:<PWD>@]<GHUSER>/<PROJECT> # only specific branch git clone --branch <BRANCH><GHUSER>/<PROJECT>.git # clone including submodules git clone --recursive<GHUSER>/<PROJECT>.git git clone --recursive https://[<USER>:<PWD>@]<GHUSER>/<PROJECT>
shallow option
saves local space - by just getting last (few) commits
git clone --depth 1 ... git clone --branch <BRANCH> --depth 1 <URL>
work with branches
list existing branches
git branch -l # local only git branch -a # all - including remotes
create branch
create local branch and switch to that one
git checkout -b <BRANCH>
create private dev branch - might require configuration of git server
git push origin HEAD:dev/<USER>/<BRANCH>
work on local branch
- edit files locally
git commit
- NO
git push
, if BRANCH should stay in local clone
get updates from remote
git pull --rebase # alias: u git fetch origin master
overwrite/force push
git push --force # alias: p - definitely overwite history on remote git push --force-with-lease # alias: pf - overwrite, BUT: stop, if remote has changed meanwhile
delete branch
git branch -d <LOCAL-BRANCH> # alias: brdl / brDl git push origin --delete <REMOTE-BRANCH> # alias: brdr
rename local branch
git branch -m <NEW_NAME>
push to different name
git push origin <LOCAL-NAME>:<REMOTE-NAME> git push origin HEAD:<REMOTE-NAME> # HEAD for the local/active branch git push -f origin HEAD:dev/<USER>/<BRANCH>
push current/local branch to new upstream branch name. option -u is short for –set-upstream. see
git push -u origin <BRANCH> git push --force-with-lease -u origin <BRANCH> # when having a modified commit gpf -u origin <BRANCH> # with alias gpf for git push --force-with-lease
update/move start point (base) of branch
commits, which didn't exist when creating of the feature_branch,
are put/pulled in front of first commit of the feature_branch.
then, the patches(commits) of the feature_branche are applied.
have master updated before
git checkout <BRANCH> git rebase master # if BRANCH was created from master
squash apply commits of branch onto master
git checkout master git merge <BRANCH> # get each commit from feature_branch git merge --squash <BRANCH> # get all commits as one single new commit git push
more actions with submodules, see
retrieve submodules automatically when cloning
git clone --recursive<GHUSER>/<PROJECT>.git git clone --recursive https://[<USER>:<PWD>@]<GHUSER>/<PROJECT>
retrieve submodules later
git submodule init git submodule update --recursive # or in one step git submodule update --init git submodule update --init --recursive
add submodule
a submodule can be added any time and everywhere within an existing repository. it retrieves the new repository as with git clone
git submodule add<GHUSER>/<PROJECT> # e.g. git submodule add
git stash save "<NAME>" # alias: ss git stash list # alias: sl git stash apply stash@{<N>} # alias: sa <no> git stash pop stash@{<N>} git stash drop stash@{<N>} # alias: sd <no> git stash show -p stash@{<N>} # alias: sshow <no>
backup stash contents into a branch
git branch <FEATURE_BRANCH> stash@{0} # creates local branch git push origin <FEATURE_BRANCH> # push branch
push except last commit(s)
# git push <remote> <commit_hash>:<branch> git push origin 555555:master # push including commit 555555
cherry picking
git checkout master git log # remember/copy commit/SHA ID git checkout <BRANCH> git cherry-pick -x <ID> # for taking including comment git cherry-pick <ID> # for new comment
annotated tags are pushed, when using git push explicitly with option –follow-tags
git push --follow-tags
or when having previously configured
git config --global push.followTags true
Above option allows pushing a commit together with it's tag in one step - without additional git push origin <TAG>
. Unannotated tags are kept local - and not shared/pushed. The difference gets important, when pushing does automatically trigger an action - conditioned with a tag - or not.
git tag -a -m "<MESSAGE>" <TAG-NAME> # creates tag with annotatation git tag -a <TAG-NAME> # create git tag -a <TAG-NAME> <SHA-ID> # create from commit/SHA-ID # git log --pretty=oneline git push origin <TAG-NAME> # share tag with others git tag -d <TAG-NAME> # delete local git push origin :refs/tags/<TAG-NAME> git push origin :<TAG-NAME> git push --delete origin <TAG-NAME> git tag # lists tags git show <TAG-NAME> # show details on tag git checkout -b <BRANCH> <TAG-NAME> # checkout tag with new BRANCH!
move tag
git tag -d <TAG-NAME> git tag -a <TAG-NAME> -m "<MESSAGE>" git push -f origin <TAG-NAME>
resolving conflicts
recovering from disasterous git rebase mistake
git fetch --all git reset --hard origin/master
work with remotes
show all remotes
git remote -v
example output
origin (fetch) origin (push)
add a remote
git remote add <NEW-REMOTE-NAME><GHUSER>/<PROJECT> # e.g. git remote add upstream git fetch <REMOTE-NAME> git branch -a
remove/delete a remote
git remote rm <REMOTE-NAME>
create branch from a remote
git checkout -b <NEW_BRANCH> <REMOTE-NAME>/<BRANCH>
get log of a remote branch
git log <REMOTE-NAME>/<BRANCH> | grep -B 5 -A 10 search_for
pull / rebase onto remote
# git pull [--rebase] {repo(remote)} {remotebranchname}:{localbranchname} git pull --rebase <REMOTE> <BRANCH_OF_REMOTE>[:<LOCAL_BRANCH>] # e.g. git pull --rebase upstream development
change remote's https source to git
git remote set-url <REMOTE><GHUSER>/<PROJECT>.git # e.g. git remote set-url origin
push specific commit to remote
misc operations
set upstream
set default push target to upstream gloabally - needed just once, that local branch name needn't exactly fit remote name
git config --global push.default upstream
determine top level directory
git rev-parse --show-toplevel
hide subdirectory and its contents in git gui
create .gitignore
with *
in that directory
echo "*" >.gitignore
loose objects warning with git gui
git-gui reports it has N loose objects each time it is run; then try
git gc --aggressive
or, if the problem remains
git config --global gui.gcwarning false
Git Tools
- git
- Text/Console
- git
sudo apt install git
- tig
sudo apt install tig
- git-gui, gitk
sudo apt install git-gui gitk
- gitg for nice browsing
sudo apt install gitg
- GitHub
- Tool Overview
- giggle, git-cola and qgit look interesting
sudo apt install giggle
sudo apt install git-cola
sudo apt install qgit
- Setting up and using Meld as your git difftool and mergetool